
Monday, February 3, 2014


Oh the big plans I had for the week, the quick burst of scheduled work (house, blog, and physical) oh the dreams, because honestly that's what these ideas were, dreams.  Now I'm not stupid I do know that by having a newborn I'd have to work around her schedule (which is usually a three hour cycle) or so that is the lies I was told.  The funny thing is the word schedule and newborn should never even be on the same page, they are so volatile together that if they even look at each other the world as we know it will implode. 

My Baby Bird was on that three hour cycle up until yesterday but now she has turned into a little monster every time I lay her down in her cradle.  Three wonderful weeks of being a new mom, getting used to the lack of sleep during the night, becoming a wiz (no pun intended) at changing a diaper before Baby Bird fully wakes up and raises hell because she is cold, half naked, and being fussed with, learning when all else fails a pacifier and sometime in the rocker works wonders.  Yesterday it seemed nothing would consul her no matter what my husband or myself did, by late night all three of us were exhausted.  Baby Bird slept a five hour stent eventually that might have been longer if I hadn’t woke her up to feed and change.  The morning walk husband and I planned on taking never happened due to us both being way too exhausted but still I had planned all these other things that I needed to do around the house but after my husband left for work and Baby Bird was in need of a feeding, usually I can put her down afterward and spend an hour to an hour and a half doing dishes, laundry, blog work, etc.  Not today though, nope today the only time she will sleep is if I am holding her. 

The only thing I’ve been able to feed myself have had to be easy to pick up one handed and shovel into my mouth, if it needs two hands or prep work then I’m out of luck.  I’ve just now been able to grab a cup of coffee but to my surprise all that is left in the house is decaf, so what is the point.  Right now is the only time I’ve been able to put her down since this morning and not be rewarded with an ear piercing shriek but I’m at the exhaustion point to were the laundry will not be folded, the dishes are lucky if they make it to dishwasher, and thank god a week before giving birth I made a bunch of freezer meals because one of them is barely going to make it into the oven in time for husband to get home.  The blog post I planned on writing or at least mapping out on breastfeeding is just a bunch of bouncing thoughts around my head and so not going to get down on paper tonight.  So today if there has been anything I’ve learned is that day to day things will change drastically and that is okay.  If Baby Bird needs me to hold her for hours on end that is okay also the laundry, dishes, and even this blog can wait.

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